Arts Leadership (ASPIRE)
This program is designed to cultivate a new generation of artistic and administrative leaders for the American Theater with a focus of engaging Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and members of other groups that are consistently underrepresented in the field.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Devised Initiative
The Devised Initiative supports the creation of original non-scripted work within region 6. In collaboration with the team at the Kennedy Center, we seek projects in response to the prompt developed by KCACTF. These pieces will be shared at the festival and eminent practitioners from professional devising companies will offer responses to the work.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Design,Technology, Management
We CELEBRATE all of the diverse and innovative work being done in the nation in the areas of Design, Technology and Management!
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
SDC Directing Initiative
The SDC Directing Initiative provides recognition, honor, and financial assistance to outstanding student directors who have demonstrated success in direction. Candidates are nominated by their individual institutions, and the institution must have entered either an associate or participating production during the calendar year prior to the regional festival.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Students interested in dramaturgy and literary management are encouraged to register for this program. The 2022 Festival Season offers us the opportunity to connect with fellow theatre artists and dramaturgs from across the country.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Irene Ryan Acting
Scholarships Auditions
The Irene Ryan Acting Scholarships provide recognition, honor, and financial assistance to outstanding student performers wishing to pursue further education. The Irene Ryan Foundation awards sixteen regional and two national scholarships annually.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Institute for Theatre Journalism and Advocacy (ITJA)
ITJA was established to assist in elevating the level of arts criticism and journalism and to provide writers the opportunity to grow at the same pace as the artists whose work they review, celebrate, and interpret.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Musical Theatre Intiative (MTI)
The National KCACTF Musical Theatre Fellowship program is designed to celebrate, recognize, and foster outstanding musical theatre students from colleges and universities throughout the nation.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
National Playwriting Program (NPP)
The National Playwriting Program seeks to identify dynamic student voices and develop their new works for the stage via concert readings, workshops, and guest-artist panels.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.
Next Step Auditions/Interviews
KCACTF Region 6 is delighted to offer auditions to connect students with hiring companies and graduate-level programs. Next Step Auditions strive to bridge the undergraduate experience with graduate education and professional companies. Actors, musicians, and technicians may submit videos and digital portfolios to be seen by select companies and programs.
Photo by Teresa Castracane Photography.